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Colour & Light —-- Beverley Waller

Glorious, shimmering, iridescent sea, river and landscapes. Bold, richly textured and vibrantly colourful paintings, alongside mixed media drawings.

In this new collection of paintings and drawings Beverley revels in exploring the endless possibilities of painting sea, land and riverscapes. Her imagery encapsulates her emotional response to the changing moods of sea, land, river and sky. Her starting point can be sketch, photo or memory however the vital part of the creative process is allowing herself to ‘listen’ and ‘see’ where the painting needs to develop. The combination of mixed media texture with vivid and iridescent colour make the paintings come alive, they even respond to different lighting conditions. Inspiration for this new work has been drawn from the magnificent shore line of Scotland’s mainland and islands, the rolling fields of Aberdeenshire and the tranquillity of a riverside glade .

August 30

Power of Three — Liz Bernard, Jo Lloyd and Louise Rowe

September 27

Layers — Elaine Coles and Linda Walsh