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Landscape to Still Life Oil Paintings — Felicity Starr

A homage to Mother Nature; vibrant paintings which celebrate landscapes and the wildlife found within. Paintings to inspire the soul, heart and mind.

“Hello! It is with great pleasure that I bring this collection of oil paintings to the Fountain Gallery. My paintings can be seen as a "homage to mother nature" and capture the elegance of still life. I hope my collection leaves you feeling uplifted and inspired.

“I try to paint in a “painterly” fashion with visible brush strokes, alla prima (wet paint on wet paint). I also use lots of paint to create a textured surface, known as impasto painting. I try really hard to create a high level of realism as I want to portray what I’m painting in all its beauty. I paint both "en plein air" and in my Studio, based in Hampshire.

“I am largely a self taught artist and have developed with practise, painting almost daily. In terms of what I choose to paint it’s all heart! If I like something I’ll probably paint it. Nature has been my greatest teacher, always showing me new ways to appreciate and observe life, which in turn I try to document. From animals to plants, landscapes to seascapes, anything that the earth creates I find fascinating and captivating. Nature can be any shape, size or colour and yet always magical.

“My goal is for people to feel good when looking at my paintings so I hope you enjoy, thank you.”

Felicity Starr, April 2022

March 29

Stephanie Wilkinson

April 26

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